
Ownership of this website

The owner of this website is TRUCKONE, SL, established in C / Gladiolos, 14. Pol. Ind. El Lomo. 28970 Humanes de Madrid - Madrid (Spain) with CIF number: B85120095, registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid in volume 24530, Section 8, page 100, sheet number M-441424, entry 1. Email contact: for for personal and free use.


The user of this website and its services is obliged to make an application under the laws and customs of the trade, and shall not use the web and its services for illegal purposes or to be harmful to the rights and interests of others, or in any way damage, disable, overburden, or impair the website and the services or prevent normal use or enjoyment of the website and services by users.
Those who violate this obligation will respond, against TRUCKONE, SL and against third parties for any damages that may be caused by breach of this obligation.

Guarantee errors

TRUCKONE, S.L. does not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the website or its content; in case you cite or reproduce publications of an official nature, such reproduction shall informational purposes and should be considered for all purposes as valid the publication in your newsletter or corresponding official source

Service Availability

TRUCKONE, S.L. reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modify and update the information contained on its website or its configuration or presentation.
TRUCKONE, S.L. does not guarantee the availability and continued operation of the website and services. Whenever reasonably possible, prior notice of interruptions in the operation of the website and services.
TRUCKONE, S.L. excludes all liability for damages of any kind that may be due to lack of availability or continuity of the website and services, to the fraudulent use that users have attributed to the web and services to the fallibility of the web and services, and in particular, though not exclusively, to the failures in access to different web pages or those from which services are provided.

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The user is aware and voluntarily accepts that the use of the web, services and contents takes place, in any case, under their sole responsibility. Both access to the website and the use made of the information contained therein are the sole responsibility of the user. TRUCKONE, S.L. is not responsible for any consequence, damage or injury arising from such access or use of information or the application that is made of them to support any personal or business opinion or decision. TRUCKONE, S.L. assumes no responsibility for the connection or contents of links to third parties referred to on the web.

Intellectual property

The intellectual property rights of the website and its contents are owned by different TRUCKONE, SL
It is strictly prohibited any alteration of this page. TRUCKONE, S.L. It assumes no liability that may arise from manipulations or unauthorized alterations. TRUCKONE, S.L. not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on its industrial and intellectual property or any other property or right related to the web, services or content.
Total or partial reproduction of the contents of this website without citing the source or without requesting express permission to do so is prohibited. The unauthorized use of the information contained on this website, and any harm caused to the intellectual and industrial property TRUCKONE, SL will lead to the exercise of appropriate action and, where appropriate, to the responsibilities arising from this exercise.

Legal warning

Use of this site is governed by Spanish law, regardless of the legal environment of user. Any disputes that may arise in the interpretation of these conditions will be resolved in the courts of the place where the activity set TRUCKONE, SL.
In case you give us your email address, it is understood that it is providing the consent and accepting this legal notice, so that it is used for shipping related services or provide and answer your queries or communications by TRUCKONE, SL.